Canine Full Day Classes (8 hours) - $159

  • dog first aid

    Canine CPR, Health & Emergency First Aid

    A must for every dog owner!
    Learn about common health issues, injuries, illnesses and how to respond appropriately.
    We discuss health care, prevention, effective communication with your vet and more.

  • advanced dog first aid

    Advanced Canine First Aid

    This course is designed for situations when you are far away from any vet access and need to respond quickly..
    We will go over several scenarios that can make the difference between life and death for your dog.

    Canine CPR, Health & Emergency First Aid completion required!

  • service dog first aid

    Service, Therapy & Emotional Support dog cpr, health & emergency first aid

    This is a version of the Standard Canine First Aid class with a part focusing on the special demands these working canines face and how owners can support their mental and physical health.

Canine Half Day & Kid’s Classes (3 - 4 hours)

  • dog first aid

    Canine First Aid Fundamentals - $99

    A shortened version of our full day standard first aid class.
    Learn about common health issues, injuries, illnesses and how to respond appropriately.

  • dog first aid & safety for kids

    I can help - dog safety & first aid for kids - $59

    A class for young dog lovers to learn how to help their four legged friend in emergency situations and how to keep themselves safe.